Title loans can be a helpful solution for immediate financial needs, but the high interest rates and short repayment terms can sometimes make them difficult to manage. If you are having a hard time dealing with your current title loan or you just want to get a better deal, you could opt for refinancing. Eagle Title Loans makes it easier to reduce the interest rates you are charged, the repayment period given to you and your repayment schedule.
In this article, you will learn how to refinance title loans and some tips that will help you make a transition successfully.
Title loan refinancing is a process in which you get a new loan to pay off the existing title loan. The new loan, which is taken ideally, has better features like a lower rate of interest or a longer tenure which can be easily managed by the borrower.
Refinancing also implies that you can get a better interest rate than the current one meaning that the cost of the loan shall be lower.
An extended repayment period may reduce monthly payments, and thus make it easier for you to manage your finances.
Lower payment can be useful as it releases money for other purposes.
Through refinancing, one is able to manage his or her current loan repayment by making the repayments cheaper thus preventing one from being in a position to default his or her current loan.
When thinking about refinancing, first, read all the information about the title loan you have, very carefully.
The interest rate at the time of taking the loan or the current interest rate whichever is higher.
The total amount of money which is still to be paid on the loan.
The regular monthly payment you make towards the repayment of the loan.
The time you have left till the end of your loan term.
All charges that may be incurred in prepayment or refinancing of the loan.
Different lenders have varying criteria for refinancing title loans. At Eagle Title Loans, we consider several factors to determine your eligibility:
The current market value of your vehicle.
Borrowers should be 18 years old or older.
You should be US citizen or permanent resident
Your payment history on the current loan.
Specific state laws and regulations regarding title loan refinancing.
Research and compare different lenders to find the best refinancing terms. Consider the following factors:
Look for a lower interest rate than your current loan.
Consider the length of the repayment period and monthly payment amounts.
Be aware of any fees associated with refinancing, such as application fees, processing fees, or prepayment penalties.
Choose a reputable lender with positive customer reviews and transparent terms.
Once you have selected a lender and loan offer, complete the refinancing application. At Eagle Title Loans, our application process is straightforward and designed to be as quick and convenient as possible. You can apply online or visit one of our local offices to get started.
After your application is approved, you will receive a new loan agreement outlining the terms and conditions of your refinanced loan. Carefully review the agreement, ensuring you understand all aspects of the loan, including:
Confirm the new, lower interest rate.
Ensure the new payment amount is manageable within your budget.
Verify the length of the repayment period.
Be aware of any additional fees or penalties.
Once you are satisfied with the terms, sign the loan agreement to finalize the refinancing process.
The funds from your new loan will be used to pay off your existing title loan. Ensure that the payment is processed promptly to avoid any late fees or penalties from your current lender.
Begin making payments on your refinanced loan according to the new schedule. Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure timely payments and avoid any late fees or negative impacts on your credit.
While title loans do not typically require a credit check, having a better credit score can open up more refinancing options with potentially better terms. Consider taking steps to improve your credit score, such as paying off outstanding debts and ensuring timely payments on all accounts.
Don’t settle for the first offer you receive. Shop around and compare multiple lenders to ensure you get the best possible terms for your refinanced loan.
Don’t be afraid to negotiate with lenders. Discuss your needs and see if they can offer better terms or lower fees. A reputable lender will be willing to work with you to find a solution that meets your needs.
Ensure that the new loan terms fit within your budget. Calculate your monthly expenses and income to ensure you can comfortably make the new loan payments without financial strain.
If you are unsure about the refinancing process or need help evaluating your options, consider seeking advice from a financial advisor. They can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions.
Eagle Title Loans have reasonable interest rates to ensure that you cut on the total cost of the loan.
We allow you to choose a payment plan that best suits your budget in order to help you in making the repayments.
Refinancing with us is easy and transparent and does not take long at all. This way you are fully aware of all the terms and conditions before you are trapped into it.
We have a professional and courteous customer service staff who will be glad to address any issues you may have concerning the refinancing.
Indeed, there are more things that Eagle Title Loans looks at other than credit scores. The value of the vehicle and the borrowers’ capacity to make regular payments are the main factors that affect this kind of credit.
The saving is in terms of the new interest rate and loan terms that are offered to you. Reducing your interest rate and your term also helps in bringing down your monthly installments and the total cost of the loan.
Eagle Title Loans does not charge prepayment penalties for any of its services. There are no penalties for early payment of your loan.
The refinancing procedure in Eagle Title Loans is brief and convenient. More often, it is possible to get an approval and finalize the procedure in several days.
In case of any query or help regarding the refinancing of your title loan, you can reach out to us.
It thus pays to refinance your title loan because it helps you to pay less interest for a longer period than the initial agreed term. Reading this guide and selecting a reliable lender such as Eagle Title Loans will help you refinance your title loan and enhance your credit status. Don’t wait any longer! We can help you get a better loan to suit your needs, apply today.